Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Teacher's Interview

Teachers should receive merit pay at the end of the year separately from their actually pay. Mrs. Logan’s mission statement is to provide top instruction for all students and a safe environment using various styles of teaching so that all types of learners can follow along and learn. She also feels that learning isn’t about the teachers but the students. Teachers fell that interactive learning is the best certified to teach their subject, eventually every teacher should be certified but as of now the real learning that teachers do is with their students in class. Standardized testing is a good way to figure out how students are doing, you should tell your students to take it serious even if it doesn’t go on your grade. Teacher unions are good for battling their pay. Their support systems are the teachers and peers that they work around. Students should be dropped after a period of a month or more. Mrs. Logan sees herself at the top of the edge because she has good report from students that she’s helped out in the past.